

Accurate user targeting

Enable new features on any subset of your user base, by segmenting features to any attribute of your application.

Strategy constraints

Roll-out to any sub-segment of users

Create cohorts of users for your rollout based on any parameter in your application context.

Custom stickiness

Ensure consistent behavior

Prevent flaky experience for your users when you roll out new features. You chose what attribute to use to stay sticky - userId, tentantId, OS version - you choose

A solution for you

Hosted by us or operated by you; your choice. No complex setup or configuration required, with the simplicity and reliability developed over 10+ years.

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Industry Insights

Feature toggle best practices

Feature toggle driven develop development has been around for some time. Given the wave of DevOps and Continuous Deployments we are currently facing, the popularity of feature toggle pattern is rapidly increasing.

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