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Unleash addon framework

Extend Unleash into your development pipeline through our flexible Addon framework. Choose the events and connect. Feature toggle systems are highly connected to how you deliver software. Unleash is a highly flexible feature management system. With the Addon framework, integrating Unleash into your development process gets even simpler than before. Generic Webhook The generic Webhook […]

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Why feature toggles brings business value

In this blog post we will look at why feature toggles brings business value into DevOps, and how. We are getting used to have the same software development team taking care of both the development and the operations of the services — it makes perfect sense to have the ones that develop the service, also […]

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Industry Insights

Take control of your sprint delivery

A feature management system such as Unleash can give you full control of your sprint delivery. In this article we will explain why and how. Imagine it is sprint demo day and you feel the excitement in the room. Your team committed to 10 user stories in the beginning of the sprint three weeks ago, […]

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Industry Insights

Companies today are all facing a significant strategic challenge with the digital transformation. Customers are today trained to expect simplicity and highly personalized content. Consumer market is re-defining the business market. We are all used to Google and its simplicity. Netflix. It is simple, and it is highly personalized through it’s driven behavior. Netflix  know […]

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Industry Insights

Digital transformation at high speed

Most businesses today are in the middle of a digital transformation, their customers expect digital, seamless and adaptive solutions for them. We believe that the businesses that will be tomorrow’s winners in this game, are those that are able to innovate and learn at a high speed. The question is how to stay in control […]

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Industry Insights

What is a feature toggle service?

A feature toggle service allows you with a simple way to manage and control your new feature post-production. It simplifies some of the hurdles experienced with feature branches. Also, a feature toggle service will take care of proper audit trail in case there are some issues introduced. Branch or not to branch… Feature branches has […]

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Industry Insights

Feature toggle life time best practices

Feature toggles provides some great opportunities when it comes to decreasing time-to-market while keeping control of possible issues impacting your end users. In the blog-post “What are the feature toggle best practices?” we looked into best practices while working with feature toggles. Feature toggle life-time is still a challenge. Toggles are easy to create, often […]

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Canary Deployment – what is it?

Canary Deployment is an approach to mitigating the risks of a new update to existing software bringing it to production. This is done by sequentially testing without involving users and then involving a small number of users and when it works fine, deploy it entirely. It is something like releasing a beta version. Deploying a […]

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